You Are Light


“You are the light of the world.”

“You are the salt of the Earth.”

Salt does not exist for itself, it serves to season food. Light also exists for a purpose, to drive back the darkness.

We have been given a specific combination of talents, gifts and abilities, a light that is unique to each one of us. To use our gifts for ourselves, for our own pleasure or gain is to hide that light under a basket where it is of no use to anyone.

We are called to be followers of Christ; to imitate Him by bringing light to the darkness through the use of our gifts and talents. The light that has been entrusted to us is meant to shine upon the entire world, to guide our brothers and  sisters through the darkness. Whether it is through art, poetry, writing, or any of the countless expressions of our talents, we are blessed with gifts so that we may serve others.

This is the virtue Jesus calls us to, to devote all that we are to other people. From a willingness to give all that we have, all other virtues follow, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked. This is how we are to be light for the world.

When we have done this, when we have discovered the proper use of our gifts and the mission that God has entrusted to each of us, then He will send light into our lives, healing, justification, protection from our enemies and answers to our prayers.

We have been given the light of Truth to shine before the world, not to be praised for ourselves, not to gather awards or accolades, but to glorify God, the source of all that is good.

Pax vobiscum
peace to you all
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.