Upcoming Live Painting Event

uta manuscript painting crucifixSaturday January 31, 2015
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Easter’s Catholic Books & Gifts
5290 Auburn Blvd.
(916) 338-7272

Did you ever wonder why the crucifixion of Jesus has been depicted in different ways throughout the centuries?

On Saturday January 31, liturgical artist Deacon Lawrence Klimecki will demonstrate some of his painting techniques using “paint pens” as he completes an iconographic painting of the crucifixion based on examples from the Uta Codex, a 1000 year old book of psalms. Drop by to chat about art, the crucifixion, theology, or just watch as a new painting takes shape in a matter of hours. The finished work will then be offered for sale through Easter’s Catholic Books and Gifts. This is a fun, exciting event and everyone is welcome.

Stop by and say Hi!