The Victory of the Resurrection


Imagine the devil, sitting on his throne, very pleased with himself for thwarting God’s plan. After all, he knew this man, Jesus, was the “Holy One of God,” sent to usher in the new Kingdom. Satan even tried to corrupt Him by tempting Him. When that didn’t work he focused on Jesus’ followers. The devil seduced Judas into betraying Jesus. All that followed, Satan must have thought, the sham trial, the pain and suffering of torture, and the humiliation of a death as a common thief, surely disrupted God’s plan for the salvation of man. Certainly Jesus could not be the king of a new kingdom if He was dead. At the very least, Satan’s machinations sent God “back to the drawing board,” right?

Imagine the change that must have come over the evil one as he realized something was not quite right. A far off noise grew louder and louder, the song of the angels singing “Alleluia.” The smile fell from his face and perhaps for the first time he knew fear as he heard the booming sound of the gates of Hell trampled underfoot by the Messiah.

The Resurrection of Jesus is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises to us. Not even a spirit, whose sole purpose is to separate us from God, can thwart that. God has promised us eternal life in the Kingdom to come, with Jesus as our King. And nothing, no evil power, no enemy of God can prevent that from happening.

Pax vobiscum
Peace be with you all
Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord