We continue to suffer in this world because how we respond to our suffering matters greatly in the eyes of God. It is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith. Do we turn away from Him in anger and resentment? Or do we turn toward Him for comfort, out of love?
God can on occasion remove our physical pain in order to demonstrate His authority over the world. Philip the deacon preached to the people of Samaria and unclean spirits that tormented their victims were cast out. The paralyzed and crippled were healed. God was at work through Philip. The Samaritans came to accept that the cure for the world’s pain is the Christ.
Jesus did not promise us a life free of pain and suffering, in fact He promised us just the opposite. But He also offered us the strength to endure any hardship that comes our way, through prayer and sacrifice.
We must be a people of prayer. Prayer strengthens us and keeps us close to God.
We offer sacrifice when we put our own needs aside in favor of others. We are stronger in our bond of Christian charity when we support each other and encourage each other.
Saint Perpetua knew this. She was a third century martyr who suffered horribly for Christ before she was finally put to death in the arena. Her last days are well documented and so we know exactly how she reacted to her torments. Her last recorded words were addressed to her brother.
“Stand fast in the faith, and love one another.”
Pax vobiscum
Sixth Sunday of Easter