A new film being distributed by Ignatius Press, it gets a ringing endorsement from Fr. Donald Calloway.
“The most stunning portrayal of the Virgin Mary on film. It will make you want to love her more than ever. An absolute masterpiece!”
You can read Fr. Calloway’s review on the Ignatius Press Facebook page.
The trailer looks great, I look forward to seeing it. My only reservation is that this is edited from a much longer film that was released in Europe. “Restless Heart,” a film about Saint Augustine, was given a similar treatment. I think “Restless Heart” suffered from trying to edit so much material into a 2 hour theatrical release (not to mention a few liberties taken with history to tighten up the story, but I digress). So I am cautiously optimistic but based on Fr. Calloway’s review I look forward to seeing it.
Ignatius does not have much to say about it at the moment but the web page for the film does have some contact information.