La Calavera Catrina

dayofthedeadthThe history behind La Calavera Catrina, “the dapper skeleton,” is long, complicated, fascinating, and not without some controversy. But in contemporary culture it has become associated with the “Day of the Dead” celebrations. Dia de Muertos, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, are the days in which we remember the dead. We remember the saints that still serve as our guides and patrons, and we remember the souls of the departed who still need our prayers.

The vigil (the night before) of All Saints Day, is celebrated around the world as “Halloween.”

“Pray and sacrifice yourselves for sinners, for many souls go to hell because they have no one to sacrifice or pray for them.” Our Lady of Fatima

This image is made available on a variety of products, including t-shirts, posters, and tote bags. You can take a look here.