The Justice of God


It is said that frustration results when reality does not meet our expectations. Perhaps the real secret to internal peace is to adjust our expectations. Nothing disturbs our inner peace more than the thirst for recognition and esteem in the eyes of the world. Are we always comparing ourselves to others, competing with them for some imagined prize? The expectations that arise from that view of the world can lead to worries, envy, stress, anger, and uncertainty.

God relates to His people through covenants. Covenants create family.

So we must ask ourselves are we a family that cares for and supports each other? Or are we a group of strangers who see each other as competitors?

The ways of God are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. Jesus warns us that although each has been given a special role, one is not more important than another.

Look at a family run business. Are members of the family fed according to how much they worked the business that day? No, all are fed. All are loved.

This is perhaps a way to understand the justice of God. It is a justice founded upon love. Remember we are all brothers and sisters. We are all family. The gain of one is the gain of all just as the sorrow of one is the sorrow of all.

So for true peace of mind, think more of the glory of God than of self. Recognize His abundant generosity and love. Trust Him in all things.

Pax Vobiscum
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time