Joan of Arc

“One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” -St. Joan of Arc

©Lawrence Klimecki
“The Maid of Orleans” © Lawrence Klimecki

Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans. I wanted to depict Saint Joan in a quiet moment before the Battle of Orleans. Although I would consider this an illustration rather than sacred art I did take care to include her traditional attributes and depiction. She is shown bare headed, dressed in armor, with sword, and banner. The armor is of the type that she likely wore although I admit to a small amount of artistic license.

There is a difference between liturgical art, that is, art meant to adorn our churches or liturgical books, and non-liturgical or “profane” art. By profane I mean anything relating to that which is not sacred. This is an example of the latter. It is more of an illustration and not meant to serve as liturgical art.

Illustration should enhance the story, If you only saw the image it should draw you into the story and intrigue you to the point where you want to know more. Illustrations can also enhance the story by showing an “in between” moment, a moment that is not explicit in the story.

Liturgical art on the other hand serves an entirely different purpose. Liturgical art, whether iconographic, gothic, or baroque, serves to lift our hearts and minds to contemplate heavenly things. Sacred art is full of symbols and signs that point us to transcendent Truths. Sacred art does not always succeed in this, but that is always its aim. Sacred or liturgical art is public.

That being said, private devotional art is another matter entirely. For personal use or reflection, any image may speak to you and lead you to prayer or meditation.

Prints of this work, “The Maid of Orleans” are available in the store.

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Saint Joan of Arc’s feast day is May 30.

She is the patron of

  • captives
  • France
  • imprisoned people
  • martyrs
  • opposition of Church authorities
  • people ridiculed for their piety
  • prisoners
  • rape victims
  • soldiers
  • WACs
  • Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Service
  • Women’s Army Corps