Illustration: Icon of the Transfiguration
The Transfiguration, the revelation of God in His glory strengthens His disciples for the difficult times they are about to face. For us it reminds
The Transfiguration, the revelation of God in His glory strengthens His disciples for the difficult times they are about to face. For us it reminds
From thebookofsaints.com Two thousand years ago, seven men were chosen by the first Christian community. The Twelve then laid hands upon them, imparting to them
“Viktor Vasnetsov should be credited with the true beginnings of the revival of the iconographic form.” It has been 66 years since the groundbreaking book
Own a piece of original art! I am thrilled to announce that we have launched “The Book of Saints” at its own website. We are
“”the knot of Eve’s disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary. For what the virgin Eve had bound fast through unbelief, this did the
Mary, Undoer of Knots is an ancient devotion of the Church popularized by Pope Francis. Mary is sometimes referred to as the new Eve. Her
“By His Ascension He is now always everywhere.” The Ascension of the Lord is a Solemnity in the calendar of the Church, a feast-day of
“Sacred art is not about depicting peoples and events as they actually looked” Naturalism vs Abstraction The underlying foundation of the Gothic form is the
“Saint Lazarus the Painter believed that we do not live for the here and now, we live for the future. We are not content with
“While we may no longer be an illiterate society, we are quickly becoming an aliterate one.” Teacher and Storyteller Artists can take on many roles.