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Answering the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything


Of Maps, Treasure, and the Search for God

“People who say they are spiritual but not religious are looking for a treasure without a map.” Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel “Treasure Island” had a tremendous impact on popular culture. It cemented pirates firmly in the popular imagination. Treasure Island gave us one-legged buccaneers with talking parrots, treasure


What We Truly Thirst For

“…our true thirst goes beyond seeking the fulfillment of our material needs.” Paco There is a story from Spain of a father and a son, named Paco, who had become estranged. After a heated argument the son ran away. The father set off to search for him. He searched for


Illustration: Icon of the Transfiguration

The Transfiguration, the revelation of God in His glory strengthens His disciples for the difficult times they are about to face. For us it reminds us of the glories that await us if we strive to follow Christ. In our “Hero’s Journey,” our epic spiritual quest, meeting God on the


Encountering God on the Mountaintop

the highest places on earth are traditionally where one goes to have an encounter with God The Mountaintop In ancient tradition, God dwells on the mountaintops. That is where Elijah encounters Him. But God was not in the great wind that tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks. He


Trials, Temptations, and the Arts

“the creatives among us, … are particularly vulnerable to the temptation to stray from the path.” The Hero’s Journey Have you ever thought of yourself as the hero of your own story? Many of our most popular stories, told through the medium of film, follow a similar pattern. A hero


How To Respond To Oppression and Persecution

Perhaps some of the most difficult teachings of Christ concern how we respond to oppression. Cardinal Van Thuan In 1975, the communist forces of North Vietnam captured Saigon in the south and united the country under one communist rule. The communist authorities view Catholicism as the influence of a foreign